Learn Italian Software - Choosing the Best Software Here's How

By Robert Cacciatore

Arguably the Internet is the ultimate library of information you could ever have at your fingertips and with the opportunity for self paced learning now is the time that its ever been so easily accessible and cheaply to.

Just think of the advantages, learning in your own environment such as your home, to work at your own pace and on a time scale that best suites you, no snarling teacher. Its never been so easy as now and its does not need to be a solitary experience, perhaps you have a learning buddy (which is always a good idea)

Language Learning Software

There are many software programs for learning languages available on-line that you can download to make selection easier this article focuses on the learn Italian software programs, there are many available to you. What should to consider, what to look for when you are out shopping for one.

Learning Styles

First let's start with a knowing how you like learn, that's always a good idea because every single person has their own way or style of learning. For instance, do you like to learn by reading or attending lectures? Do you like a more hands on approach - trying various exercises you can try out? Or are you the kind of person who enjoys seeing the whole picture before starting out?

It may seem a clique but in order to speak Italian you have to speak Italian.

Understand what someone is saying is not enough. What's important is expressing yourself well enough to the person whom you are speaking with.

When considering a software program for the purpose of language learning are designed to evolve one particular way of learning while there are others that are clever enough to involve all styles of learning.

Most language software programs are created for various levels of learner. The beginner (1), intermediates (2), and advanced (3) levels.

If you are wanting to simply freshen up your Italian, if so, forget the first level and then got either 2 or 3.

You have to know what you want. You should have at least 5 choices, then whittle those choice to the one really worth purchasing.

How to do this :

Read reviews

There are many language forums around the Internet and simply asking other members questions such as "was it good value for money? Knowing what others think about the program can keep you very informed.


Do listening to other people but I find experience is the best judge. Always test the program yourself and this way you get a feel for the program and if it feels right and you get on with the program that its usually the better choice.


Many software vendors provide a a free trial usually as a downloadable. Its only when you learn something that you should consider buying the program.


Consider the publisher of the program. Do they have a good reputation, is the company a recognized name.


Those that come to mind are: 'Berlitz', 'Rosetta's Stone' and 'Rocket Languages.'

All software programs will have its own pluses and minuses. You just need to balance them out. If you still can't decide yourself, then ask a friend who has actually taken up study in Italian or for a double bonus, could you ask an ex. Language teacher?


A good Italian language learning program would combines audio with other materials including a good learning environment for example a learning forum whereby you can get much motivation and help from other uses and tutors - as much as possible. A program of learning that features elements that involves your full learning range will helps you speak and understand the Italian language and surprisingly rapidly beyond measure.

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